Well I am going to have a bash at making my own template shortly but I finally got the image uploading thing working. Someone suggested deleting the uploads folder I had manually created, the CHMOD the wp-content folder to 777 temporarily – then upload an image – so it will then create the uploads folder again. Then CHMOD the uploads folder and the wp-contents one back to a more secure mode. AND IT WORKED BABY! I just tested to see if i could still upload a pic after I changed the CHMOD thing back and it did. WOO!
I am glad I didnt have to email my host again (i have sent hime like 4 emails in two days saying ‘half’ then 5 mins later ‘ignore it – i sorted it myself yo!’. poor chap).
so yay – once i get my template sorted i will be happy and commence bombarding the world once more…….wait my blogging was pretty sporadic prior to the blogger evilness. hmm….
The post I got the image thing working! appeared first on Day 17.